EDCI 335 Learning Design - Lauren Ingbrigtson


Hello Pod 7!

Thank you for sharing your introduction to descriptive statistics interactive learning resource! It is fascinating to see the direction that your group followed based on your educational backgrounds and interests. Though we were given the same criteria, our resources are completely different and hold their own individuality. I was nervous to find out that yours was based on descriptive statistics as that is not a familiar subject for me. As I read through the content, I vaguely remembered some of the terms, but high school seems like ages ago.

Notion: I have never used Notion before this course, and this was a good introduction. I like how when you click the link it takes you to the homepage. Right away I noticed the header picture and knew your course was math based. I also like how the navigational links are always at the top, so they are easily accessible.

Introduction:  This was a very brief description and did not tell me much about your course besides that the learning modules will be completed via the link in the navigation bar, that there is an explanation elsewhere and that there is an overview available. I suggest adding some context to this area or adding in hyperlinks to help with the transitions. I think it is a nice addition that there is a section for questions and contact information to help learners further their knowledge.

Learning Modules: Right away I am greeted by an overwhelming amount of text. In this text, it outlines what the learning outcomes which is great on the educator side of things but may not be as beneficial to the learner. Could this information be put into a chart to help appeal to learners? Or another format maybe? Also, instead of stating of where you can find the teacher’s information, a hyperlink could be added to help with the navigation process.

Mean, Median, and Mode: I instantly noticed the learning outcomes are less intimating! Information is separated into nicer sized sections that state what the learner is going to learn. When I get down to the “how to use” I wish it was formatted differently. Is there an option to include sketch notes for the examples? Or images to help the learners infer the information? I like how the videos connected the concepts to real life. This can really be beneficial for learners. As for assessment, I don’t love the idea of journaling. As a learner that has always struggled with math, this intimidates me -especially because anyone can read it. Is there an option for anonymous comments? Or a private channel that only the educator can view?

Variance: I noticed in this section some of my previous comments were addressed. There’s a link for the previous section, visual aids, and a more manageable amount of text (though it is still main source of information). I also noticed you used another resource from our course – social spaces.

Standard Deviation: As this is the third topic, I knew what to expect when clicking on the link: lesson contents, learning outcomes, introduction and rationale, etc. Consistency is a great tool for learners with helping aid in learning new information. Specifically in this section, I like how you give the learner prompts for their journal. Could this be added to each section?

Descriptive Statistics: It promptly states that the previous content needs to be completed before moving on. Could there be links included like prior sections? The biggest takeaway from this topic is the lack of supportive language. Some of the chosen phrases carry a negative connotation and may make a learner feel discouraged -hence, the terminology recap. I would rephrase it to something along the lines of “if you need a refresher on the terminology, feel free to go back and explore the previous sections!” On the content side of things, it gets the job done.  

Designing for Inclusion: Throughout your resource,if I was a learner with dyslexia or an English language learner, I would have struggled with the intense amount of text. Not only reading but both forms of assessment are a written component. While creating the content, did you consider any learning challenges? If so, what and how can you make your resource more inclusive?

I wish there was not more content available for the peer review as it would have been nice to have some more context. Though, the information that is viewable is neatly layout with plenty of citations!

Looking forward to seeing your final submission!



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